Next time I want to clean up….. I won’t.

For once my knitting speed had started to match my blog name. I was finally knitting fast.  In four days I had gotten the body of a Kiddy Vertebrae (pattern designed by Kelly Brooker) done. Four days!! That is nearly unheard of here. I was on fire… But then I hit a roadblock. A couple of weeks ago … Read more

My ever evolving and certainly not complete list of resolutions.. a WIP if you like

The forums on Ravelry have begun posting “What are your resolutions” threads. While I have been participating in some of these I thought I would post some of them here until I decide exactly what I would like to do   This year I will learn to knit lacework and do short rows This year … Read more

What’s on the Hook? 31/8

Are you sitting down? Really? Ok. I actually finished another project!!! So exciting… Yeah sad life 😉 It’s been a busy week as you can tell by the lateness of this post WIPS Granny Stripe Blanket continues. There isn’t a lot of progress on it. Beanie for my nephew Cast on Custom order.. I can’t … Read more

And now for a break in programming – What’s on the Hook 23/08

Woohoo!! Finally a finished object!! More of the same work and movement on the proposed projects. A little different this week. WIPS The blanket that will not end continues… A little bigger than last time. About 3/4 done 🙂 My sockhead beanie is slowly getting bigger too.. Loving how the wool is knitting up. The … Read more