And now for a break in programming – What’s on the Hook 23/08

Woohoo!! Finally a finished object!! More of the same work and movement on the proposed projects. A little different this week.


The blanket that will not end continues… A little bigger than last time. About 3/4 done πŸ™‚


My sockhead beanie is slowly getting bigger too.. Loving how the wool is knitting up. The picture doesn’t show the colors accurately but they are gorgeous.

socjhead resized

Wearing my 1/2 done beanie
Wearing my 1/2 done beanie




Yay!! Finally a finished Object.

Finished the Elsa inspired hat for my niece to wear for her Book Week Parade.

resized elsa


Proposed Projects or to borrow the term from others NEEDLE ADJACENT PROJECTS πŸ™‚

Amish puzzle Ball

Custom order (I hope to cast this on in the next day or so)

Beanie for my nephew (As above hope to cast this on in the next few days)


Where has the hot water bottle cover gone? Yeah I cheated I saw one in the shop going cheap that I loved so I got it there instead of making it. πŸ™‚

And finally something I got this week in the mail. A project bag from a small business on Facebook called Small Finds. I just loved the material when I saw it.

project bag


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