Everything is on the back burner this week with me starting work. Work has been hard but I am totally loving it… for the first week anyway 😉
so without further a do here is my list of
what’s on the hook this week.
Crochet Granny Stripe blanket (birthday present for a friend)
A gauge swatch for my Solar Flair Fibres Confetti Cupcake yarn (oh so excited I am going to make a sockhead hat out of it)
Finished objects
Farmer beanie for my bestie. I didnt realise until I was knitting that there was a stripe pattern running up it. It doesn’t show up very well with the yarn I used so I might make this again at some stage with another color.
Slouch hat.
Proposed projects
Beanie for my nephew
Amish Puzzle Ball
Elsa hat with Braid for my niece.
And just to finish up here are a couple of Doctor Who based Friday Funnies