Like a lot of knitters or crocheters I seem to have an excessive amount of WIPs hanging around my house. The reasons I have so many vary greatly. Some of them are simpy there because I got bored with them, while others were neglected because some other technique has caught my attention. Whatever the reason they sit patiently waiting on my shelf of shame until I decide to look at them again.
As part of the Finish it or Frog it KAL I chose two projects, a long term WIP and a project that I just wanted to complete and thought this would be the kick I needed to finish it. Luckily I finished both projects with time to spare.

What I didn’t count on when I started this KAL was how it would motivate me to get some other long term projects down to finish them. The main one I have been working on is the Little Heart Scrapghan by Julie Lapalme. My niece asked me if I could make it for her so I started it…..back in February. In the last couple of weeks I have managed tocomplete all of the hearts in the colors chosen and now i have to birder them in white before finally sewing it all together.
And therein lies the challenge. Getting it sewn together before the weather warms up and it’s too hot to have a big blanket across my lap to sew it. Only another 30 odd hearts to go.